Many people, whether new to the market or have purchased a home before, consider investing in a house without the help of an agent. While there are benefits to going it alone, there are also a few drawbacks that can significantly impact the success of your home sale. Consider the following points if you're wondering…
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Buyer Beware: Three Major Red Flags to Watch for When Visiting Open Houses
Open houses are a good opportunity to get out to see what kind of home you're looking for and if it will work for you. Fortunately, they can also be a good opportunity to find out some things about the house you're looking at that might not be listed on the website and may be…
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Facing a Scorching Hot Housing Market? 3 Reasons You’ll Want a Great Real Estate Agent
For many homeowners who are selling in today’s real estate market, pinching every penny can be important. This can mean that it's a consideration to opt out of a real estate agent and go with the DIY approach. However, there are many things an agent can do for you in a hot market that may…
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5 Things That First-time Home Buyers Wish They Knew Before They Signed
Without a doubt, it can be both overwhelming and exciting to find your dream home and be able to put the money down for it. However, there are a lot of things to know before signing on the dotted line so you can avoid buyer's remorse. Instead of going it alone, here are a few…
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Mistakes Seasoned Home Buyers Often Make
It's common today to move several times during adulthood, whether across town or the country. Seasoned home buyers have been through the real estate process, often more than once. However, even if the home purchase has become routine, some mistakes can be avoided. Stuck in the Past The real estate market doesn't stand still. It cycles…
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